Our Practice in Guelph

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Our History

We’ve cared for our community’s eyes for over 30 years! Dr. Lisa Lazarus and Dr. Jason Simpson took over the practice from its previous owners in 1994. The practice you see now was started in 1952. However, the original location in downtown Guelph had a long history and has served the community since 1910.

Our goal has remained the same since we started—we want to care for you and your vision. 

Meet Our Doctors


Dr. Lisa Lazarus



Dr. Jason Simpson



Dr. Christine Brown



Dr. Maggie Porter


Friendly & Family-Focused Comprehensive Eye Care

We believe that clear vision enriches lives. During your visit, our caring optometrists will take the time to explain your eye exam results, describe your options, and genuinely listen to your eye care needs. 

Maintaining good eye health is an ongoing process, and whether you’re visiting us for an eye exam, contact lens fitting, or a stylish pair of glasses, communication is important. We encourage you to ask questions and share your health information with us. 

In addition to prioritizing your happiness, we are committed to protecting and enhancing your eye health. By working together, we can monitor, diagnose, and treat potential vision problems and help your eyes stay healthy at every age.

Book an appointment today.

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Our Location

Find us in the shopping center at the corner of Victoria Road South and York Road. Free parking is available in the large lot steps from our door. 

Our Address

  • 220 Victoria Road South
  • Guelph, ON N1E 5R1

Contact Information

Hours of Operation

  • Monday: 9:30 AM 6:00 PM
  • Tuesday: 9:30 AM 6:00 PM
  • Wednesday: 8:30 AM 5:00 PM
  • Thursday: 8:30 AM 5:00 PM
  • Friday: 8:30 AM 5:00 PM
  • Saturday: Closed
  • Sunday: Closed
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